
AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible

The most comprehensive AutoCAD book around!

Stretch a circle with grips and specify the radius or change in radius

You can easily stretch a circle with grips. To specify the new radius, just enter it on the command line (or in the Dynamic Input tooltip). But suppose the information you have is the difference between the two radii?

For example, let’s say that your circle’s radius is 1.825 and you know that you have […]

Find the midpoint between two points, the center of a triangle, and other unusual points

Use AutoCAD’s calculator (originally the CAL command and then the QUICKCALC command) to find calculated points, such as the midpoint between two existing points or the center of a triangle. You usually use this command transparently, while drawing a line.

Use the object snap

There’s a shortcut to start a line (or specify any other […]

Use tool palettes to save and place user-defined hatch patterns

If you create user-defined hatches, which means that you specify the angle and spacing, you may want to save them for future use. You can easily do this using a tool palette.

First, create the user-defined hatch. In the Hatch and Gradient dialog box (or on the Hatch Creation tab in AutoCAD 2011), choose User-Defined […]

Attach a PDF as an underlay

Lots of people use the PDF format. If you have a PDF image that you want to reference as you draw, you an attach it as an underlay, starting with AutoCAD 2010. This is similar to attaching an xref.

Choose Insert tab> Reference panel> Attach (the ATTACH command). You can also use the PDFATTACH command.


Easily hide and isolate objects in AutoCAD 2011

AutoCAD 2011 has three new commands that help you hide selected objects or isolate them (hide everything except the selected objects).

The ISOLATEOBJECTS command hides all objects except those that you select. After selecting objects, right-click in the drawing area and choose Isolate> Isolate Objects. The HIDEOBJECTS command hides selected objects. Select the objects, right-click […]

Switch to plan view when you change the UCS

When you create a new User Coordinate System (UCS) in AutoCAD, by default, your viewpoint doesn’t change. Here I used the 3 point option of the UCS command to create a new UCS.

Create a new UCS with the 3 point option

Sometimes, you may want to return to plan view in that new […]

Create a multi-page PDF from the Sheet Set Manager

I just finished teaching a 2-week AutoCAD class at the local University here (Maharishi University of Management). The course was part of the Sustainable Living undergraduate major program. It was a lot of fun and the students created amazing designs and fantastic drawings of those designs. Although the time was a little tight, they really […]

AutoCAD 2011 New Feature Roundup

It’s that time of year again, when Autodesk allows us beta participants out of our non-disclosure agreement and lets us finally discuss all of the new features! Each year I cover them in some detail, so you can decide if you want to upgrade.

What are the biggies? New 3D surfaces are probably the biggest […]

Creating JPEG and PNG files from AutoCAD drawings

Many people need to export image files from AutoCAD to put into reports or other documents.

Did you know that you can save a drawing in JPEG and PNG format for display on the Web, in Word, etc? Use the JPGOUT or PNGOUT command.  For other formats (WMF, BMP and more), use the EXPORT command […]

Quickly find out how many insertions of a block are in your AutoCAD drawing

Do you sometimes want to know how many times you inserted the widget block in your drawing? Here’s a quick way:

Display the Properties palette (Ctrl+1). Click the Quick Select button at the upper-right corner of the Properties palette. In the Quick Select dialog box, from the Object Type drop-down list, choose Block Reference. If […]