
AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible

The most comprehensive AutoCAD book around!

Display lost toolbars in AutoCAD

Sometimes people have trouble displaying a toolbar that isn’t visible, or a toolbar seems to disappear for no apparent reason. Here are some tips for displaying toolbars.

1st method

The easiest way to display a toolbar is to right-click any visible toolbar. This displays the list of all your toolbars, as you see here […]

Cover it up with the WIPEOUT command

Sometimes you need to hide your dirty laundry. The WIPEOUT command lets you do just that. You can create a polygonal outline that is filled with the drawing area’s background color. Everything behind the wipeout is covered up.

Also check out our other blog discussing CLIP and WIPEOUT function in detail.

You might cover up […]

Easily hide and isolate objects in AutoCAD 2011

AutoCAD 2011 has three new commands that help you hide selected objects or isolate them (hide everything except the selected objects).

The ISOLATEOBJECTS command hides all objects except those that you select. After selecting objects, right-click in the drawing area and choose Isolate> Isolate Objects. The HIDEOBJECTS command hides selected objects. Select the objects, right-click […]

Manage layers with LAYWALK

Do you need to know which objects are on which layers? Count your layers? Hide objects on other layers? Layer Walk (the LAYWALK) command does all this and more. It was once part of Express Tools, but has become part of core AutoCAD.

Layer Walk is quite a powerhouse and pulls together capabilities from several […]

3D Tutorial: Draw a glass

This tutorial will create a drinking glass. I used the measurements of one that I had in my kitchen. I recommend using the 3D Drafting workspace

Draw a circle with a radius of 1.25. On the View tab, click the Views drop-down and choose SE Isometric. Start the EXTRUDE command. Select the circle and […]