AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible
The most comprehensive AutoCAD book around!  
By Clement Hiew
Using ChatGPT to create AutoLISP scripts for AutoCAD can be an effective way to streamline your design process. AutoLISP is a dialect of the programming language LISP (List Processing language) that’s used specifically for Autodesk’s AutoCAD software.
Here’s a general guide on how you could use ChatGPT to create AutoCAD Lisp:
1. Define Your […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Most mice have a wheel and you can use it in a number of ways — scroll it in 2 directions, click it, and double-click it. Plus, you can combine keys such as the Shift key with the mouse wheel to get even more capabilities. AutoCAD makes good use of your mouse wheel. Here are […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Sometimes people have trouble displaying a toolbar that isn’t visible, or a toolbar seems to disappear for no apparent reason. Here are some tips for displaying toolbars.
1st method
The easiest way to display a toolbar is to right-click any visible toolbar. This displays the list of all your toolbars, as you see here […]
By Ellen Finkelstein A script is a macro, a list of commands that you can run all at once, and as many times as necessary, allowing you to automate tasks that would take a long time if you did them manually. Using Scripts in Autocad can be very powerful and you can run them on objects in one […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Multi-functional grips have been around since AutoCAD 2012 and they give you a menu of options when you hover over a grip or right-click a selected grip. Here you see the multi-functional grip menu for one of the vertices on a polyline.
By default, you can also repeatedly press the Ctrl key to cycle between […]
By Ellen Finkelstein When you start customizing the ribbon, you may want to create a new tab to hold all of your custom commands. On the other hand, you may want to add custom commands to existing tabs and put them in context.
If you want a new tab, here are the steps:
Type cui to open the […]
By Ellen Finkelstein A reader told me he was having problems with his 3DCLIP command after upgrading to AutoCAD 2013. He wrote:
“I create 3 or 4 different 3d models that I then xref them together into an arrangement drawing. I then create my viewports for the different views I will need. In the past, I […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Ralph, a subscriber to my AutoCAD Tips Newsletter, sent me a drawing that he called “an embarrassment.” He wouldn’t explain the details of why he thought it was so bad, but wanted some advice about how to fix drawings that have been revised over many years.
Old system variables
Some of the issues could […]
By Ellen Finkelstein You should always start a new drawing either from an existing drawing (Application Button, Save As) or from a template.
What is a template?
A template is just like a drawing, but when you start a drawing from a template, the template creates a clone of itself, remaining unchanged. Many people have multiple templates that […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Is this what you see when you start AutoCAD? If so, you’re not alone because it’s the default setup.
But you hate it, don’t you?
Here’s how to get rid of the Welcome window and the grid.
This Month's Top 10 Most Popular Cad Tips
Draw faster and easier!Top 25 Productivity Tips Every AutoCAD® User Should Know
