
AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible

The most comprehensive AutoCAD book around!

Tips on viewing your drawing

The faster you can display the section of your drawing where you need to work, the faster you can get started drawing and editing. With that in mind, here are some tips for viewing your drawing:

Use the mouse wheel

The mouse wheel is the key to fast view changes:

You can zoom in and […]

AutoCAD Tutorial: Create regions for mix-it-up, 2D/3D flexibility

A region is an interesting type of AutoCAD object. You can think of it as a 2D surface. Regions are always closed and they look like polylines, but AutoCAD can do some interesting things with regions, such as:

Calculate centroid, moments of inertia, and products of inertia Extrude them to create 3D solids Combine (UNION […]

Tutorial: Draw a 3D threaded bolt – video tutorial

Some people prefer to learn from video, so I’ve created a video of a tutorial that I created on drawing a 3D threaded bolt. The video is 9 minutes long. You can find the text version at “Draw a 3D threaded bolt.”


Using 3D orbit for one object

Tharakesh of HOPE Technologies Ltd. in Mumbai, India submitted the following tip.

When using the 3DORBIT command, the portion that you want to see may be hidden by another portion. In that case, before invoking the 3DORBIT command, select the object in which you are interested. Then 3DORBIT displays only the selected object. It’s cool! […]

Use dynamic UCS to speed up 3D drawing

One of the awkward parts about 3D drawing is the fact that you need to constantly change the XY plane. In the past, the only way to do this was to create a new UCS using the UCS command.

Since 2007, however, you can use the dynamic UCS feature, which makes the process of […]

Tutorial: Draw a 3D threaded bolt

A common, but difficult task, is to create a threaded bolt. I recently got a request for more 3D tutorials, so here you go. This tutorial assumes an intermediate knowledge of AutoCAD.

I rummaged around a box of miscellaneous junk and found this bolt. It’s about 3 inches long.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); […]

Tutorial: Create a visual style

Visual styles were introduced in AutoCAD 2007. They bring your ability to control how objects look to a whole new level. You can control how faces and edges look, as well as display a background, shadows, materials, and lights — all without rendering the drawing.

Visual styles are important when you want to create a […]

Tutorial: Create a custom visual style in AutoCAD

In 3D drawings, you’ve had some display options for years: wireframe, hidden, and various types of shading. These were the SHADE or SHADEMODE options on the View menu. AutoCAD 2007 introduced a new concept: visual styles. The main difference is that you can customize them to create your own visual style.

AutoCAD comes with several […]

Tutorial: Convert a 3D solid to a 3-view 2D drawing in model space

You may want to draw in 3D, but if you need to deliver drawings in 2D, in several views, how do you convert them? In other tips, “Converting 3D drawings into 2D drawings,” and “Convert a 3D solid to a 2D drawing with a hidden view,” I’ve discussed some methods, but this excellent method uses […]

Transparently enter 3D Orbit in 2007

One of the nicest new features of 2007 is the ease with which you can change your viewpoint using a poorly-documented keyboard shortcut for 3D Orbit. Press and hold Shift and press your mouse’s wheel (or middle button) to temporarily and transparently enter 3D Orbit.

While doing this, use that wheel to drag in […]