AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible
The most comprehensive AutoCAD book around!  
By Ellen Finkelstein AutoCAD is a complex program and it’s crucial for your work. Obviously, the better you know how to use the program, the quicker and more accurate your drawings will be. This is where the importance of education comes in.
Education has two parts:
Learning more about the base AutoCAD features that you use, or could […]
By Ellen Finkelstein AutoCAD wants you to keep your templates in the Template folder, but you may have different ideas. For example, you may have custom templates that you want to keep in a separate location.
However, in the Files tab of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options), you find that you can’t add an additional location […]
By Ellen Finkelstein AutoCAD places your support files in all sorts of hard to find places, such as:
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2008\R17.1\enu\support\
Moreover, you can have many folders in your support file search path, including those that you add yourself. (To add a folder to the search path, choose Tools>Options and click the File tab of the […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Some of you may remember the Today feature of AutoCAD 2002, which was a front-end window that allowed you to open existing files, create new files, and so on. One of its views was an alphabetical list of files, separated by the first letter of their name. Another was a listing by date.
Today quickly […]
By Ellen Finkelstein A DWF file is a vector image format that you can use to share your designs with others, without sending the actual drawing. You might do this to share your designs without revealing the details, or to send them to people without AutoCAD. The recipients use Autodesk Design Review to view the DWF file. Autodesk […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Since AutoCAD 2004, you can create multi-page DWF files. These are great when you want to send one DWF file but many drawings or layouts to someone. The new DWF reader (now called Autodesk DWF Reader) can also display these multi-page files. Suppose you have some existing DWF files and want to combine them into […]
By Ellen Finkelstein AutoCAD 2000i has added the capability of assigning any color to objects in your drawing. You can define the color using the Red-Green-Blue system (RGB) or the Hue, Saturation, Value system to create any color you want, such as an object’s true color in real life. To use this feature, you need to create or […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Column text was introduced in AutoCAD 2008. Columns make fitting your text into tight spaces easier; it also looks more professional. You may have manually created columns in the past, but when you edited the text, the columns didn’t automatically readjust, leading to awkward spaces or lots of reformatting.
Follow these steps to create column […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Don’t know which font to use? Until AutoCAD offers a WYSIWYG font drop-down list (send in your wish lists, folks!), you can print out truetype.dwg, which comes with AutoCAD in the /Sample folder. It probably doesn’t contain all the fonts on your computer but does have a sample of enough fonts for most people.
By Ellen Finkelstein AutoCAD supports Autodesk’s DXF (Drawing Interchange File) format, which is a text-only format that contains a 2D drawing’s information. The DXF format is often used to exchange drawings between different CAD programs.
You can save a drawing in DXF format and you can open a DXF file in AutoCAD and save it as a drawing. […]
This Month's Top 10 Most Popular Cad Tips
Draw faster and easier!Top 25 Productivity Tips Every AutoCAD® User Should Know
