AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible
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By Ellen Finkelstein AutoLISP offers powerful programming capabilities to AutoCAD, but you don’t need to be a programmer to use it. You can fairly easily create a simple custom command that can make your work go more quickly. In this tutorial, you’ll create a custom command that draws a red circle in any location and with any radius. […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Tommy Holder submitted a different approach to creating fillets–one that includes drawing the lines. For the earlier routine, see “Reduce mouse clicks and increase productivity with AutoLISP.”
Tommy’s approach is unique, I think. Instead of drawing the lines first, the AutoLISP routine prompts you for points, which are the endpoints of the lines. Here are […]
By Ellen Finkelstein This is a guest post by Sanjay Kulkarni, an AutoCAD programmer. You can read more about him at the end of this post.
The number of mouse-clicks required to perform a task is generally a good indicator of productivity. The fewer the number of clicks, the less time required–hence more productivity.
In this post we […]
By Ellen Finkelstein This is a guest post by Sanjay Kulkarni, an AutoCAD programmer. You can read more about him at the end of this post.
In the current era of globalization, many times you may have to work on drawings received from others. Sometimes, you may not be able to control the quality of the drawings you […]
By Ellen Finkelstein
This is a guest post by Sanjay Kulkarni, an AutoCAD programmer.
Learning AutoLISP (or any other programming language) doesn’t compel you to become a programmer. You can still use it to better understand the internal working of AutoCAD and enhance your interactive working skill. This can also give you an edge over others.
Recently […]
By Ellen Finkelstein This is a guest post by Sanjay Kulkarni, an AutoCAD programmer.
This post describes the method to load an AutoLISP program in an open drawing.
Some basic & fundamental information before we move to the procedure
An AutoLISP program runs inside (in the same workspace of) an open drawing. Therefore it is necessary to load […]
By Ellen Finkelstein This is a guest post by Sanjay Kulkarni, an AutoCAD programmer. You can read more about him at the end of this post.
In an earlier post, Ellen showed how to align a rectangle with a line on the fly. You can easily create the same effect using AutoLISP. This AutoLISP routine is simple, and […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Note: This is an article by Fran Golding, Senior Drafter at Parsons Brinckerhoff, a large planning, environment and infrastructure firm with offices in Australia and New Zealand. Perhaps you can add your own productivity boost ideas.
When I first started to drive a car, I had the feeling that I was not the one in […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Question: B.N. asks how he can get his AutoLISP routines from an earlier release into AutoCAD 2007 so that they’re always loaded and ready to go.
Answer: An easy way is to type the AutoLISP routines in a file and save it as anything.lsp. Then choose Tools> AutoLISP> Load Application. Browse to anything.lsp and drag […]
By Ellen Finkelstein In my earlier “Break objects quickly” tip, I have 4 routines that help you break objects more quickly than the standard AutoCAD command.
Febien Mosen sent me another routine, SCISSORS, that has 3 features:
You don’t need to preselect the object; you just click the point where you want to break Only if there are […]
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Draw faster and easier!Top 25 Productivity Tips Every AutoCAD® User Should Know
