
AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible

The most comprehensive AutoCAD book around!

Select a block before a writeblock or edit

If you want to writeblock a block (use the WBLOCK command to save the block as a separate drawing file), normally, you’d start the WBLOCK command first. But then you have to choose the Block option in the Write Block dialog box and use the drop-down list to choose the block you want to write.


Control the display of tooltips

AutoCAD displays tooltips for object snaps, polar tracking, and dynamic tooltip. The object snap and dynamic tooltips can get in each others’ way. The Quadrant tooltip, as you move the cursor slightly, will alternate between saying Quadrant and Specify next point or ↓.

By changing the TOOLTIPMERGE system variable to 1, you can […]

Repeat previous commands

You certainly know that you can repeat the last command by pressing Enter or the spacebar.

However, many people don’t know that you can use the Up arrow to scroll through your previous commands in backwards order.

For example, suppose that you use the following commands:


Then you can do the following:


Pre-specify an angle

When you’re drawing a line at an unusual angle, you may want to see how the angle looks. After you specify the first point, you can type the < (angle) symbol and then the angle you want to try. For example, <10.

This locks the next segment to that angle while you enter the length. […]

Draw minor and clockwise arcs

When you draw an arc, the specifications that you provide may define two, rather than one arc — one minor (less than 180 degrees) and one major. The ARC command always draws the minor arc by default, in the counterclockwise direction.

For example, if you specify the Start, End, and Radius options, the center can […]

Customize Polar Tracking Angles

Polar tracking is a great way to simplify the creation of lines, because once you find the right angle, all you need to do is to enter the length. You should try to banish the entry of coordinates in the x,y format as much as possible, because it’s so slow.

You can customize the angles […]

Toggling the display of grips within blocks

By default, when you select a block, AutoCAD displays only one grip, at the block’s base point. However, what if you want to grip edit the block from some other point in the block. You can do so by displaying the grips of all the objects in the block. Jack Foster sent in a great […]

Creating exponents using stacked text

Bruce Hodder sent in this tip: “New for AutoCAD 2000i is the ability to create exponential text values with Mtext using the carat (^) character. First, create a text object using the MTEXT command. Type the exponent value and then the carat character (e.g., 2^). With the Multiline Text Editor still open, select the exponent […]

Getting back the R14 full-screen cursor

AutoCAD 2000 sets the default for the cursor at 5% of the screen. Many people like the old full-screen cursor. Abdul Nazar emails from India that you can change the cursor using this prompt.

Command: cursorsize Enter new value for CURSORSIZE <5>: 100

You can also choose Tools>Options and click the Display tab. There you […]

Easy hatching

As you place your hatch, you can easily switch from picking points to selecting objects. First define the hatch in the Hatch and Gradient dialog box (the BHATCH command). Then choose either Pick Points or Select Objects to return to your drawing. Start placing the hatch. Then, to switch methods, right-click to open the shortcut […]