Have you ever done a ZOOM Extents and found objects way out there like stars in outer space? Or tried to delete a layer but found you couldn’t because there was an object on it — but you couldn’t find it?
When troubleshooting objects, you might find it useful to have a list of them all. You can get that with DBLIST. Just type the command on the command line and press Enter whenever it pauses. Of course, in a busy drawing, that could take a while. And the list gets long even in a small drawing, because AutoCAD tells you everything about each object, like the LIST command does for selected objects. Below is the list for a drawing with only 5 objects!
Perhaps a better way to use it is to erase everything you can find and then run DBLIST. That way, you can see what is still left. You can then undo the ERASE command. (Luckily, undoing the DBLIST command, which came after, won’t delete your list!)
How do you troubleshoot wayward objects?
Command: dblist
CIRCLE Layer: “0”
Space: Model space
Handle = 1c4
center point, X= 8.8432 Y= 9.7202 Z= 0.0000
radius 5.2470
circumference 32.9678
area 86.4907
LWPOLYLINE Layer: “Layer1”
Space: Model space
Handle = 1c8
Constant width 0.0000
area 20.3371
perimeter 18.2710
at point X= 21.1067 Y= 10.7852 Z= 0.0000
at point X= 26.4006 Y= 10.7852 Z= 0.0000
at point X= 26.4006 Y= 6.9436 Z= 0.0000
at point X= 21.1067 Y= 6.9436 Z= 0.0000
Press ENTER to continue:
CIRCLE Layer: “Layer1”
Space: Model space
Handle = 1c9
center point, X= 15.0511 Y= 14.9691 Z= 0.0000
radius 2.2651
circumference 14.2322
area 16.1188
LINE Layer: “0”
Space: Model space
Handle = 1ca
from point, X= 17.5267 Y= 7.1338 Z= 0.0000
to point, X= 30.2472 Y= 12.8391 Z= 0.0000
Length = 13.9414, Angle in XY Plane = 24
Delta X = 12.7205, Delta Y = 5.7054, Delta Z = 0.0000
LINE Layer: “0”
Space: Model space
Handle = 1cb
from point, X= 30.2472 Y= 12.8391 Z= 0.0000
to point, X= 33.5226 Y= 7.9706 Z= 0.0000
Length = 5.8678, Angle in XY Plane = 304
Press ENTER to continue:
Delta X = 3.2753, Delta Y = -4.8686, Delta Z = 0.0000
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One way to get rid of objects in “outer space” is to use the ERASE command and type “ALL” then remove the objects you definitely want to keep. You can remove objects from a selection set by typing “R” for “REMOVE” within the ERASE command or by simply holding down the shift key and selecting the objects to be removed.
I don’t know whether I’m missing the point here but isn’t this the same as ‘LIST’ except that with the latter you’re asked which objects to list?
a way to see it , after a DBLIST is done , you can run thisl LISP to open the logfile in NOTEPAD , previously you have to set LOGFILEMODE 1
(defun C:lee-file-log-txt ()
(setq file-log (getvar ‘logfilename))
(setq linea-list ())
(SETQ ar (OPEN file-log “r”))
(SETQ linea (READ-LINE ar))
(SETQ linea-list (CONS linea linea-list))
(CLOSE ar)
(startapp “notepad” file-log)
Sometimes after deleting all visible objects some invisible objects may still be present.
Here’s a nice way to to clean up.
1. Delete all the visible objects
2. Enter (setq SS(ssget “X”)) on the command line
3. Undo deletion
4. Call command Erase
When asked to select objects enter !SS
Sometimes the LAYDEL command may also be usefull but be aware that this command do not unintendedly erases objects needed. This goes for large drawings especially.
HI,TODAY WHILE USING THE REGEN COMMAND SOME OF THE ELEMENTS OF DWG. BECOME DUPLICATE ,I TRY TO ERASE THIS ELEMENTS BUT no selection for this elements, so i reopen the drawing to see if this elements still appearing or not,then after open the drawing i find this elements disappearing from the dwg.now can you help me to know how this elements appearing in the drawing. because i try to know but i failed.thanks for your helpful.
Abed i had the same problem years ago, your Graphicscard memory it not up the the size of the drawing or the driver has the renewed.
Abed i had the same problem years ago, your Graphicscard memory it not up the the size of the drawing or the driver has to be renewed.
Abed i had the same problem years ago, your Graphicscard memory it not up the the size of the drawing or the driver has to be renewed.
Abed i had the same problem years ago, your Graphicscard memory it not up the the size of the drawing or the driver has to be renewed.
How to USE LAST SAVED BY COMMAND IN THUMBNAIL DISPLAY IN AUTOCAD FILE PREVIEW. It shows last saved by option which is blank in some cases while currently opened by option is also nil
any VBA routine that does just that?