
AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible

The most comprehensive AutoCAD book around!

Free AutoCAD video training

Steve Johnson e-mailed me to tell me that has added over 30 free video courses on AutoCAD. Go to

Ellen Finkelstein

4 comments to Free AutoCAD video training

  • CroAxis

    Excellent news Ellen. I have already spread the word on my blogsite too. Will check the videos later.



  • rajesh kumar mishra

    please help me through autocad tutorila on ole, xref,etransmit publish dialob box command

  • Rajesh, search through my blog for those topics and you’ll find quite a bit of information.

  • kj

    help I need to learn autocad 2004. I have the autocad 2004 bible but don’t know how to self teach…. I have a copy of 2004 on my computer and also inserted the cd that comes with the book. Help… I have to learn this on my own and I am not getting it very well.
    Stuck at home KJ

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