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By Ellen Finkelstein You can exactly specify the spacing between lines of Mtext. Here’s the procedure:
Select the Mtext object. Select the text by dragging across it. On the Text Editor tab, in the Paragraph panel, choose Line Spacing> More to open the Paragraph dialog box. Check the Paragraph Line Spacing check box. From the Line Spacing drop-down […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Sometimes, you need text to have a specific line spacing, to fit into a schedule in your drawing. If you can use the TABLE command, that’s great, because the text automatically fits nicely into the rows of the table.
But sometimes, you need to fit your text into an existing set of lines, like a […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Column text was introduced in AutoCAD 2008. Columns make fitting your text into tight spaces easier; it also looks more professional. You may have manually created columns in the past, but when you edited the text, the columns didn’t automatically readjust, leading to awkward spaces or lots of reformatting.
Follow these steps to create column […]
By Ellen Finkelstein If you have some text in another location and need it in your AutoCAD drawing, you certainly don’t want to retype it. There are several ways to import text from other documents into your drawing.
The Multiline Text Editor
Save the text as a text (.txt) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. (You do that […]
By Ellen Finkelstein When you paste content from another application into an AutoCAD drawing, the OLE Text Size dialog box opens.
AutoCAD picks up the font and point size and lets you convert text to your drawing’s units. Change the value in the Text Height box and click OK. AutoCAD adjusts the size of the text.
You […]
By Ellen Finkelstein The Mtext Editor has three options that many people miss. In the Mtext window, select the text you’ve entered and right- click inside the text area. Choose one of the options:
Change Case to change the text to all uppercase or all lowercase. Choose Remove Formatting to return all text to Txt font and remove […]
By Ellen Finkelstein Text, also called single-line text, or Dtext, makes every line a separate object. It’s great for short annotation in a drawing. On the other hand, Mtext, also called multiline text, has more formatting options, and is better for larger amounts of text. Mtext is especially important if you need to create left and right margins […]
By Ellen Finkelstein If you insert titleblock text for your drawings, you know that keeping that text updated and accurate can be a chore. Also, many people place drawing numbers and names in more than one place in a drawing, requiring extra work.
You can use fields to automate the insertion of titleblock text – or any other […]
By Ellen Finkelstein When you start the MTEXT command, by default, you see the letters “abc” at the cursor to give you an idea of the size that the text will be. But those letters aren’t very helpful; it would be nice if you had more letters and more variety of sizes.
The MTJIGSTRING system variable (since AutoCAD […]
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